Birth Family Search

In many countries we serve, the chance to reconnect with birth family members exists, and reunions for international adoptees have exceeded our expectations since our inception over a quarter-century ago.
We’re here to guide you every step, whether you're considering a birth family search or navigating a reunion. Our team offers support, guidance, and assistance in understanding the emotional complexities of the process. We also respect that not all adoptees may wish to search and are here to provide information to help you decide what’s right for you.
If you choose to proceed and birth family is located, we can help arrange logistics for a reconnection visit, including transportation and translation services.
Below, you'll find an overview of birth searching in the countries we visit. For personalized assistance, we recommend contacting the program manager or emailing us at
Navigating searches in China can be a challenging and complex process due to various case-specific factors, including the role of orphanages in providing care and potentially incomplete records and files. As a result, the chances of adoptees successfully finding their birth families in China are relatively low.
Despite the challenges, adoptees can explore support from organizations specializing in birth family searches, some of which offer professional searchers for hire. These organizations provide assistance in analyzing personal situations, offering resources like DNA testing, and flier creation. Some may even facilitate trips to China to aid in the search process. Advancements in resources in recent years have led to successful outcomes. For comprehensive information on searching in China, feel free to reach out to Autumn Ackerson, our China Ties Program Coordinator.
Adoptees can search for foster family and or birth family in Guatemala. Not all adoptees search for birth or foster family; deciding to search for either or both is a very personal decision. Hired searchers often search for foster family or birth family, not both.
About birth family searches: Adoptees can access a free birth family search at CNA (this program has limited funding by the Guatemalan government and processing times can be lengthy) or utilize private searchers. Birth family searches are most often done via in-country searchers with fees paid directly to the searcher. Our team will provide you with information of searchers adoptees have utilized in the past and have had positive experiences with (this does not mean that the searches are always successful). Birth families can be located about 30% of the time in Guatemala. Searchers in Guatemala may advise a higher percentage, but we note that about a third of Ties adoptees who search meet their birth family. For safety reasons, reconnection visits most often happen in Antigua. Fees for a birth family search can range significantly depending on how extensive the search needs to be (if the birth family lives in a Red Zone or a remote community, for example, the costs are generally increased). Fees to anticipate include search fees, transportation for you and the birth family to travel to Antigua (may include an overnight stay), a meal for those who attend, translator, gratuity, and gifts. Should you need customized transportation and/or translation services, we will discuss those options and costs as they are available.
About foster family searches: Foster families can be located about 40% of the time in Guatemala through our searching partner. It has become more challenging over the years to find foster families in Guatemala. If located, typically the foster mother and/or family will travel to Antigua for a meal with the adoptee and their loved ones. Fees can range significantly depending on how extensive the search needs to be. Fees to anticipate are search fees, transportation for you and foster mom/family to come to the meal, lunch for those who attend, translator, gratuity, and gifts. Should you need customized transportation and/or translation services, we will discuss those options and costs as they are available.
For more information about searching in Guatemala please reach out to Rebecca Blessing.