About the Author: My name is Alex Marking. I am 17, I go to Greenhill School, and I was adopted from Paraguay. A couple years back, I went on a trip to
Thank you for helping inspire this inner search and I hope my work can help change someone’s life for the better.
Alex’s Poem
Everyone is different
With something that helps define
Who and what we are
That I’m adopted, that is mine
I’m not saying that I’m special
Or that I’m the only one
But I can proudly state
That I embrace the place I’m from
Flowing through my veins
I got red, white, and blue
Not just for America
But for Paraguay too
Two different flags
Both a part of me
Making up my heritage
And who I’m proud to be
I knew that I was different
I remember what friends asked
“You don’t look like your parents”
“I don’t get it, why is that?”
But even though I knew it
I never took the time
To try and grasp the concept
Or turn it over in my mind
Sometimes it takes a painful event
To jolt a train of thought
I remember the words of my friend clearly
That he shouted as we fought
I don’t remember the argument
But I know what shut me up
He said if my parents loved me
They would have never gave me up
I began to question
Wondered if they cared
It’s hard to feel connected
To someone who was never there
But as the years went by
I understood my mother
She let her son be taken
To be raised by another
She didn’t have the means
So she found someone who did
To take me into their family
And raise as their own kid
She spoke for me
When I didn’t have a voice
And though it was difficult
She helped me make the choice
The future that she thought
Gave me the best chance
To succeed in my life
To progress and advance
And as a tribute to my mother
The one I never knew
I do my best to push myself
At everything I do
I strive to do my best
And if she could see me now
I hope that she’d be happy
I hope that she’d be proud
Thank you Alex. You have indeed changed the world. Thanks for sharing!
One Comment on “Changing the World by guest author Alex Marking”
Thanks for sharing this inimate part of your adoption experience. It helps all of us who live/love in adoptive relationships.