When birth country travel includes the adoptive family, a team of supportive adoption specialists, and other adoptees (and their families), the ingredients are in place for a powerful experience filled with life changing messages.
- The people I share my heritage with are warm, wonderful, genuine people.
Now I see that in ME.
- My adoptive family understands my need to explore who I am and is supportive.
I want them to be ok with this.
- I have a safe place to acknowledge the loss in my life, and a safe environment to heal.
In looking at the losses, I can also see the gains and see them in a new light.
Traveling with other adoptees and their families has given me a community where I feel like I belong in a way no other community ever has.
Everyone just gets it.
2 Comments on “Messages of Birth Country Travel”
“ I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.”
Our family had two extraordinary trips to Chile to visit the country of birth of our two children. I would love to send a picture but I cannot figure out how to transfer the picture to this email!
Hi Nancy, we are so happy to hear from one of our Chilean Ties families! You can send the pictures to Info@AdoptiveFamilyTravel.com. We would love to see them.