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We're always looking for dedicated individuals to join our adjunct travel staff. Learn how to apply today!
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We are proud to partner with a network of organizations; learn about how to donate to their causes.
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If your organization is interested in collaborating with us, we would love to hear from you!

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Jorge's Beach Day

Every year, a special day of joy unfolds at Chavez de la Rosa Orphanage in Arequipa. Many Ties families are familiar with our Peruvian guide, Jorge, whose compassionate heart extends beyond our travelers to the children at the orphanage in his hometown.

For 27 years, Jorge has organized a beach day for 60 children and caregivers, creating a day of sun, sand, and water fun. The children also enjoy a special treat of ice cream and lunch. Jorge partners with us to raise funds for this event annually. We deeply admire Jorge's dedication to this cause and are grateful to Ties families for their generous donations over the years. This annual "field trip" brings immense joy to children who have so little.

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